In UK, 3 judges sacked for watching porn

The judges were let go after they were nabbed viewing pornographic material via their official IT accounts.

3 UK judges have been fired after they were caught watching porn, BBC reports.
The judges were let go after they were nabbed viewing pornographic material via their official IT accounts.

Speaking on this, the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office spokesman said that although the material was not illegal in content,  it was an "inexcusable misuse" of their official accounts and "wholly unacceptable conduct for a judicial office holder".
A 4th judge resigned before the official inquiry had concluded.
The 3 judges - District Judge Timothy Bowles, Immigration Judge Warren Grant and Deputy District Judge and Recorder Peter Bullock were not in any way linked.
The move has been described as unprecedented as it is exceptionally rare for a UK judge to be removed from office.
A spokesman for the JCIO would not comment on what led to the inquiry, or whether the judges' contracts included any clauses on the use of their official IT accounts.
He however said that though the judges would no longer be allowed to work in a judicial role, they can still pursue other work.
Meanwhile one of the dismissed judges, Former Immigration Judge Warren Grant released a statement saying that he had been suffering from "severe and undiagnosed depression" at the time of the allegation and also asked for privacy at this time


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