A group of teens beat 61 years-old-man to coma in Maryland

Description: Richard Fletcher, 61, was brutally beaten by about 50 teenagers in Baltimore, Maryland, back on April 22

Richard Fletcher was heartlessly attacked and beaten up by a group of teen led by a 17-year old boy after he beckoned two girls which were fighting on his truck to leave and continue their dispute elsewhere.

The mob of teens began to hit and kick Fletcher until he fell to the ground, beat him and left with broken eye sockets, a broken nose, broken ribs and a brain bleed according to CBS Baltimore.
He also needed a blood transfusion. 
On this note, the head of the group Antoine Lawson has already been arrested by police and charged with attempted murder for the role he played alongside with other teens in Maryland on April 22.
Description: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/05/12/02/video-undefined-2892685A00000578-570_636x358.jpg
Description: He was left with broken eye sockets, a broken nose, broken ribs, a brain bleed and needed a blood transfusion
Description: The mob of teenagers began to hit and kick Fletcher until he fell to the ground, but the attack didn't end

Description: Police and community members think the teens are students at nearby Baltimore Community High School
Police and community members think the teens are students at nearby Baltimore Community High School

Joe Lamb, who owns a business nearby, saw the attack and said he wasn't all that surprised with what happened based on how the neighborhood has been, WBAL reported. 

He said: 'It has gotten out of hand now, gone too far.
'The kids walk on top of cars, kick dogs, let dogs out, throw trash, steal milk from school and throw it at houses, threaten neighbors with bodily harm.'
'We are working closely with the family to assist them during this difficult time. 
'We estimate his medical bills will be between $200,000-$400,000.
'His medical insurance will not pay for all of the bills.
'At this time, he is out of the hospital but he will need several additional surgeries. Rick has a long road to recovery. 
'We do not expect the perpetrators will help him or his family pay for any of the medical expenses.
'Please donate to this very worthy cause , as Rick did not deserve this.'
The campaign has raised more than $8,000.


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