Passengers set on fire in India bus crash

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Not less than 22 passengers got burnt to death after a bus fell into a ditch and caught fire in central India - police.
Constable Singh made mention of this at the police control room in Panna district saying the death toll from Monday’s accident  may rise as police teams cut into the wreckage of the charred bus.
Singh continued to say another 16 passenger had also been injured, stressing that he is not sure about the number of passenger on board.
He said the cause of the accident was also being investigated.
Road accidents are common in India due to rash driving and poor conditions of roads and vehicles.
Elsewhere in India, in Sangli district, nine people have been killed and five others were injured in Monday evening’s fireworks factory blast.
It is still not clear how the fire had started. Accidental explosions are common at Indian fireworks factories.
In 2012, 34 people were killed and 30 others were injured as a massive blaze at a fireworks factory in the southern Tamil Nadu state.


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